Top 5 Wednesday: Favourite Hate to Love Ships

This week’s Top 5 Wednesday topic is ‘favourite hate to love ships’! This is one of my favourite romance tropes because I think it makes the story a lot more exciting.

Ask and you may receive. By request, a topic all about your favourite hate to love romances!

Top 5 Wednesday was created by Lainey (Gingerreadslainey) and is currently hosted by Samantha (Thoughts on Tomes). For more information, check out the group on Goodreads.

1. Lucy and Josh from The Hating Game by Sally Thorne

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This is the ultimate hate to love relationship. The whole plot is basically based around the hatred they have for each other. In The Hating Game, Lucy and Josh are executive assistants to co-CEOs of a publishing company. Lucy absolutely hates her co-worker, Josh, who sits across from her and causes daily stress to her job. What I enjoyed about this relationship was that it is built on games tormenting the other that they both secretly enjoyed. My review.

2. Brittany and Alex from Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles

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Perfect Chemistry was my favourite book when I was 14. Brittany and Alex are depicted as complete opposites and only start interacting when Alex is given a bet from his friends. They don’t initially get along, but the story turns into a really sweet romance.

3. Katy and Daemon from Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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The novel is about Katy, who moves to a new town on the same street as two mysterious siblings who are the same age as her. Katy and Daemon’s hatred of each other in the beginning of Obsidian seemed more like Daemon being a total asshole. Although it appeared this way, there were plenty of times where I thought their bickering was hilarious. They also both really stand out as characters with big personalities. My review.

4. Miles and Tate from Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover


This relationship focuses more on friends with benefits to romance, but they still had a dislike towards each other in the beginning. Miles’s and Tate’s relationship is tumultuous and rocky, mostly due to Miles’s past that he refrains from telling Tate about. My review.

5. Kathleen and Joe from You’ve Got Mail


This is not a book but isn’t You’ve Got Mail a great movie? I love the relationship between Kathleen and Joe. It is a romance where they meet in real life and hate each other and then at the same time communicate unknowingly over email and form a friendship. It is also great because they both work at bookstores and that is why they are rivals in real life. The setting is perfect because it is in New York in cute little bookstores!

  • Do you love these hate to love relationships too?
  • Are they similar to your T5W picks?


14 thoughts on “Top 5 Wednesday: Favourite Hate to Love Ships

    1. Me too! It’s a really enjoyable trope to read about because of those things, I like it when it they hate each other and it takes forever for them to get together 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  1. YES! The hating game and the lux series.
    Both of their relationships were so steamy! And of course, the chemistry was amazing.

    Liked by 1 person

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