The Liebster Award

Hey everyone!

I have been nominated by Karina @AfirePages to receive the Liebster Award! Thank you Karina very much for nominating me!



  1. Thank the person who nominated you.
  2. Answer the 11 questions they gave you.
  3. Nominate 11 blogs.
  4. Give them 11 questions to answer.

Karina’s Questions

1. Are you a slow or a fast reader?

I am probably more of a slow reader. On average, it takes me a week to finish a book. When I love a book it could only take me a day, but when I hate one it could take me three weeks. It does depend but reading isn’t a quick activity!

2. What’s the genre you like the least?

I hate science-fiction! I get so confused and cannot understand the plot or what is going on. I also find pure action really boring.

3. Do you use filter in your bookstagram? Why or why not?

I don’t have a bookstagram and that is because I cannot be bothered making one. I think I just prefer Twitter.

4. What’s the worst thing you experienced being a book blogger?

That’s a hard question! Maybe it was the first time a publisher rejected my request to read an ARC. I find their emails sometimes patronising. But it has only happened to me four times and I have eight approved, so that’s a pretty good ratio!

5. What’s the book you bought just because it’s cheap?

That would have to be The Secret Place by Tana French. It was only around $7AUD on book depository. I wanted to read one of her books for a while and this one was the cheapest so that is why I chose it.

6. Do you read diverse books? Why or why not?

I try to. I sometimes read LGBTQ+ fiction, but haven’t read many books with a non-white protagonist. I’m trying to read more though! I recently read The Hate You Give by Angie Thomas so that will set me in the right direction.

7. If you’ll be trapped on an island with only ONE book to read the entire days you’re there, what’s the book you’ll bring?

That’s such a hard question to answer! Maybe I’ll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson because I really love it.

8. What’s your favourite read this year so far?

This year I have read 24 books. My favourite of those would be The Hating Game by Sally Thorne.

9. What’s the overrated book that you hate or dislike?


The Throne of Glass books. I was generous and gave it 4 stars but looking back I know deep down I didn’t enjoy that book. I read Crown of Midnight too and was so bored by it that I stopped reading the series.

10. What is/are the series you wish you own all of its editions?

Screen Shot 2017-05-28 at 1.25.04 pm

Probably Harry Potter! There are so many beautiful editions. My Harry Potter books all match but are around 8-10 years old. I used to love to crease the spine of a book but I would never do that now, so some of the spines look kind of bad.

My Harry Potter books

11. Let’s say the Harry Potter series didn’t exist at all but there was still this series about Hogwarts with the same characters. Who do you want to be the main character aside from Harry?

Great timing for a Harry Potter question. It has been a while since I read the books and cannot really remember the other characters. I guess I would want the character to be Hermione. Hermione was a great character and I would have loved to hear the story from her perspective.

I Nominate

Feel free to accept this award if you want to and sorry if you have already done it!

My Questions

  1. What is your favourite song?
  2. Describe your fashion style.
  3. What is your favourite quote?
  4. What are your top three favourite television shows?
  5. If you could only read one book for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?
  6. What is your bookish pet peeve?
  7. What is the best day of the week and why?
  8. If you could spend 24 hours in any city, where would you go?
  9. If you had the ability to write like any author, who would you choose?
  10. What was the last photo you took on your phone? Share it if you want to.
  11. What’s an annoying question you hate answering?

Thanks for reading,


9 thoughts on “The Liebster Award

  1. Love the questions you came up with at the end! Simple but good. And I hear what you are saying about all the Harry Potter editions. I have the original paperback and hardback editions but I really want the new House editions. They look amazing!

    Liked by 2 people

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