Book Blogger Test

I have been tagged by Kristin @Kristin Kraves Books to do the Book Blogger Test! Thanks for tagging me, Kristin, I love the new graphic design of your blog. Check out Kristin if you haven’t already, she’s great. I love being tagged in awards or tags that I have never seen before!


  1. Thank the person who nominated you and add a link to their blog
  2. Answer the ten questions asked on this post
  3. Nominate at least five people to do it also
  4. Let your nominees know you nominated them


Three book pet hates

  1. Goosepimples: I was just thinking about this yesterday when I was reading a book. I don’t know why, but I absolutely HATE it when books use the word “goosepimples”. This is such a weird way of saying goosebumps. Maybe it’s like an old timey thing, and a lot of fantasy books like to use it? It makes me want to vomit.
  2. Too much description: When an author just rambles on and on about something without having any action in a scene is so boring! Or when the character just thinks a lot in chapter, what it is the point!
  3. Black book covers: I hate black covers! I have so many of them and they make my bookcase look dull.

Describe your perfect reading spot.

Outside near nature but still underneath shelter, and lots of comfy pillows and blankets. Something like this would be really nice:

Screen Shot 2017-09-10 at 4.15.06 pm.png

Tell us three book confessions.

  1. Sometimes I skim the last hundred-ish pages of a book if I dislike it and pretend I read it all.
  2. Once when I was 12 I got so angry at a moment in a book that I ripped out a page.
  3. I never buy hardback books because they are too expensive.

When was the last time you cried during a book?

I cannot remember a time where I actually cried! Recently I read The Book Thief by Markus Zusak and I teared up a little.

How many books are on your bedside table?

Two! They are The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood and Because You Love to Hate Me by various authors.


What’s your favourite snack to eat while you’re reading?

I don’t think I ever eat when I read. I do like drinking tea though.

Name three books you would recommend to everyone.

  1. It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover
  2. The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks
  3. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green


Show us a picture of your favourite bookshelf on a bookcase.

My favourite is the one in the middle.


Describe how much books mean to you in just three words.

I like them.

Biggest reading secret.

I still love Twilight so much.

I Tag

Thanks for reading!

Image Map


30 thoughts on “Book Blogger Test

    1. No problem, it was a fun tag! Ahh yes, it would be the best spot to read!! The Book Thief is very heartbreaking, I did not see that end coming at all 😭


  1. Awesome tag, Charlotte! ❤ And really, you don't like black covers? I love them! But I do have a lot of black stuff and I think most colors go with it so yeah hahaha To each his own!
    I loved reading your confessions! Makes me feel less sinful about my own bookish secrets LOL (not that I have many, I don't think?)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Sophie! ❤️
      I like putting my books in rainbow order so I have a clump of black books on the end, and it would be nice if there were less! But I don’t really mind that much haha
      Lol maybe I was too honest with my reading secrets 😂


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