BookTubeAThon TBR // seven books in one week!

Next week is the BookTubeAThon! It is a very popular reading challenge that is hosted by Ariel Bissett. The BookTubeAThon goes over the course of one week (Monday 30 July – 5 Sunday August) and involves seven reading challenges to inspire those interested in reading to read more than they usually would. Every day also includes extra challenges on YouTube, Twitter and Instagram if you would also like to participate in those.

2018 Reading Challenges

The reading challenges are as follows:

  1. Let a coin toss decide your first read.
  2. Read a book about something you want to do.
  3. Read and watch a book to movie adaptation.
  4. Read a book with green on the cover.
  5. Read a book while wearing the same hat the whole time.
  6. Read a book with a beautiful spine.
  7. Read seven books.

BookTubeAThon TBR

My BookTubeAThon TBR is based off each of the daily challenges.


1. Let a coin toss decide your first read

The first challenge is really fun! The two books I have chosen to do a coin toss for are A Thousand Perfect Notes by C.G. Drews and Monkey Grip by Helen Garner. The reason I have chosen these books is because they are fairly short, and if I’m going to read seven books this month, I think they should be short!


A Thousand Perfect Notes was tails and Monkey Grip was heads. In this nice little gif I made (because videos are not supported on free WordPress), you can have a look to see which one won!

Monkey Grip was the winner! So it will be the first book that I read. Can I read it in a day…probably not!


2. Read a book about something you want to do

This was tough because I went into this hoping that I could just choose all the books that are already from my bookshelf. But none of my unread books have things that I particularly want to do. One thing that I’m doing next year is going to Europe on vacation, so I thought about books set in Europe.

I looked at my TBR and found My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton and Jodi Meadows. This book is set in England, which is one of the countries I’ll be going to next year. I don’t actually own this book (I want to!) so maybe it will have to be the last book I read.


3. Read and watch a book to movie adaptation

This one is so hard! I mostly just watch movie adaptations when they are new releases.

So I could cheat and watch the film Monkey Grip from 1982 that was an adaptation of the book I’m reading for question 1. That’s probably what I’ll do, but if I want to be ambitious and complete all of the challenges, another option is Every Day by David Levithan. The movie came out earlier in the year and I was initially interested in watching it. This would be a good opportunity to finally watch/read it!


4. Read a book with green on the cover

A book that I’m currently reading is The Bell Jar by Slyvia Plath, which has a little bit of green on the cover. However, I might finish reading it by next week. Maybe I will have to start a different book before then so that I can use this one.


5. Read a book while wearing the same hat the whole time

For this challenge I am going to read the novella called Foster by Claire Keegan. The story is about a young girl who goes to live with a foster family. I bought it for a class before realising anyone can just read it completely for free online. This challenge involves wearing a hat for the entirety of the read, so this novella would be great seeing as I could probably finish it in one sitting.


6. Read a book with a beautiful spine

The novel I found one day in a little bookshop called What We Left Behind by Robin Talley has a really cool colourful spine.


7. Read seven books

Even reading seven books in a month is challenge. Nonetheless, I will actually try to get this last challenge done. For the seventh book I have chosen the loser of the coin toss challenge, A Thousand Perfect Notes by C.G. Drews.


If I don’t read all seven books (which is probable), I will still try to complete the challenges, but just use the same book I read for other challenges.

Are you doing the BookTubeAThon this year?


19 thoughts on “BookTubeAThon TBR // seven books in one week!

  1. Best of luck for the readathon! 7 books is a lot, and I think when it comes to week-long thons the main difficulty is keeping up with the momentum of reading throughout the whole week. I won’t me joining myself, but it’ll definitely be fun to keep in track how everyone’s reading progress are! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m sure you’ll do great! I know that whenever readathons come people always push themselves and end up exceeding their own expectations 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I was just scrolling through the reader tab, saw an Aussie 20c piece and thought ‘holy crap another Aussie!’ Okay, let me go actually read the post now!
    I can’t wait for BookTubeAThon!
    I have been meaning to read My Lady Jane for ages! But just haven’t gotten there yet. Also, that cover for What We Left Behind is gorgeous!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. The novel Monkey Grip is 100 times better than the film. I don’t think the film really captured the true essence of the book, which was brimming with energy. Garner has a unique voice.

    Liked by 1 person

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